Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Persona #3
The third persona I created was about a single mom named Julia, who has two children and two dogs that she has to take care of all the time without any assistance of anyone. Keeping the house clean and presentable is very hard when the kids are involved in sports, friends, and school. Julia would love to pack up and go out for a spa day or a day off one day, but the kids and the dogs would never let that happen. She soon realizes that she is way in over her head and needs help to maintain her sanity.
Un-edited Persona #2
The second persona I did was about a girl named Helga who was very rich and famous, but her family thought that she was too stuck on the fame and the money so they thought she needed a big realization of what hard work and effort feels like. She was forced to go to her grandfathers farm for 2 weeks to do hard labor and help maintain the farm. There were a lot of bumps along the way and she was not happy about being there. Instead of being rich and famous getting pedicures, and going to fancy night clubs with friends to make appearances she was stuck on a smelly, old farm. On the farm there was no wifi or cell phone service so Helga was very unhappy and wanted to leave right away, but knew if she did that she would be cut off. So she stuck it out and eventually learned what hard work was and went back to her famous lifestyle with a different outlook on life.
Metal Smithing Pin
This piece was made out of copper, brass, and copper rivets. The brass piece was the first piece that we actually made in metal smithing class so we could learn how to use the saw, the file, and the buffer. Once I was finished with the copper piece I chose to grab scrap pieces to make an actual piece to wear. I chose to make the piece look like a landscape, that had the brass as the mountains and the copper pieces are the sun going down and the sky. I connected the pieces by drilling holes in certain areas and connecting them with rivets so it does not fall apart. I used a hammer to make the rivets flat in the piece so it would not fall out and it would stay connected. In the end, I made this piece a pin to wear and will give it to my grandmother when I am completely finished.
Self Portrait
My self portrait was probably the toughest project I had completed this year. Although i do love to paint, getting the shadows on my face and colors of my skin right was very difficult. The way I painted was painting the darks first and then putting the highlights in last. First, I painted the undertones in my face and hair that were mostly green, pink, and red so that when I started painting my skin tones the undertones would come through and make it look like me. Overall, i am very happy with how my self portrait came out, but it was very difficult to do.
Cuff Bracelet
In this etching piece I used nickel silver. I etched the design on this piece by drawing the design on the metal with a sharpie marker and placing it in acid three times, once everyday. The hardest part of this project was getting the etch deep enough, because the first time i etched it, it did not come out deep enough at all. After the piece was fully etched after three times I cleaned it with Ajax and Goo Gone to make it shiny and presentable. The buffer also helped make the bracelet look better by buffing the edges to get a cleaner and shinier outline. I actually formed this bracelet by using the mandel and using the raw hide hammer so that there wouldn't be any marks on my piece from forming it.
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