Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Un-edited Persona #2

The second persona I did was about a girl named Helga who was very rich and famous, but her family thought that she was too stuck on the fame and the money so they thought she needed a big realization of what hard work and effort feels like. She was forced to go to her grandfathers farm for 2 weeks to do hard labor and help maintain the farm. There were a lot of bumps along the way and she was not happy about being there. Instead of being rich and famous getting pedicures, and going to fancy night clubs with friends to make appearances she was stuck on a smelly, old farm. On the farm there was no wifi or cell phone service so Helga was very unhappy and wanted to leave right away, but knew if she did that she would be cut off. So she stuck it out and eventually learned what hard work was and went back to her famous lifestyle with a different outlook on life.

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